Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Mimi Messes and Mac Masterpieces

Mimi loves to get into cupboards these days. I think she feels super cool about being able to stand there and open up a door. The game cupboard is a favorite. Today she got out the UNO cards, of which we have two sets, and managed to dump both sets on the floor. She was so proud of herself.

And then, of course, she has to eat the box. Miriam 1/11/11:
Brad takes the girls on a date separately once a month. This month Leiden ended up going with him to Target to get something to spruce her room up. Mac was pretty excited about doing the same thing, so today they headed out to Target and came back with a billion little wall stickers that match her bedding. They then spent the next 30 minutes putting up all the little butterflies and flowers in pinks, purples, and yellows. Mac was thrilled.

1 comment:

Macdonalds said...

How fun! not the messes but the wall decor! Mimi looks so innocent while she is making messes!