Thursday, January 27, 2011

January is Winding Down

These were on Brad's phone, from 1/17/11: The girls and Brad took a walk across the lake by our house. The lakes are entirely frozen over, safe to walk on.

They found several ice-fishing holes, and even some fish. They came back that afternoon cold, sad, and ready to be in the house.

Miriam gets into whatever trouble there is to be found. And glories in it. And you all get a view of our laundry room that doubles as the mud room from the garage, and the cupboards where the girls keep their art stuff. Which all combines to mean messy. Just what Meems likes.

Miriam 1/24/11: Trying to be helpful...

We had the Taylors over for FHE on 1/24/11: the girls had been begging for 'worm' treat.
Not my favorite treat, but fun for the kids. All the components separately, delish. Gummi worms with pudding and oreos? Not so much.
Miriam 1/25/11:
As of 1/25/11, Mac is doing...okay...with potty training. She is absolutely refusing to go number 2 in the toilet. So, we're pretty sure she's getting constipated, and this is not good. She is really emotional, really sad, and really teary. If I could just get her to understand that she will feel better if she goes, we would be good. No dice.
Miriam 1/26/11: Playing with the drawer again.
Miriam 1/27/11: Mimi makes giant messes when she eats. Especially on chili night, or any night where there is sauce or wetness. At least she wasn't wearing a shirt. It would have been destroyed.
No shirt was made evident when we found a bean in her belly button. Oy.
Later today, Brad found Mimi with this in the bathroom. Yummy. He said he got most of the big chunks out of her mouth. Gross.
I can't believe the month of January is almost over. This is crazy. I don't know how time goes by so quickly. But here we are. Perhaps the rest of the winter will pass quickly and we can get to warm again!

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