Saturday, January 29, 2011

Donuts and Birthday Parties

Today was a busy little day. Activities I authorized and activities I did not. This qualifies under the latter. The kids and Brad have already walked across the lake by our house, but he was driving home from somewhere with the girls, and decided it would be fun to drive across the lake to our friends' house. To his credit, and before grandparents freak out, there have been cars and trucks on the lake for weeks now, with no temps above freezing. Does it still make me nervous? Yes.
Mac, in this picture, appears to share my concern. Leiden thinks it's great.
They pulled up to the Taylors' back yard, which is the lake, and gave them a call.
They were just heading out, so they came and joined Brad and the girls on the lake with their car. We love the Taylors! They then proceeded to do some donuts on the lake (I think this is the part that makes me most nervous). You could see the tracks from Tahoe donuts from the street.
Later this evening it was Evie's birthday party. Unfortunately I did not get any pictures of Evie! Here's Miriam 1/29/11:
It was a pajama party--kind of like a sleepover without the sleeping over. Everyone wore their jammies, and they had breakfast for dinner, did hair, nails, and face paint, and watched a movie.
We love to see our 'old' friends whenever we can! Happy Birthday, Evie!

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