Sunday, January 23, 2011


1/21/11: We were so excited to have visitors here in Minnesota!! My cousin Rachel and her husband Isaiah came to interview with the University of Minnesota and came by our place for dinner. We rarely get visitors, so it was such a treat to have them come see us! Rachel is expecting and they will make great parents--I think Isaiah may have spent an equal amount of time playing with the girls and talking with us! The girls know when someone's fun!

Mimi loves to push anything around that she can. The little things make me nervous, as I can see her tipping right over, but I do my best to contain myself.

Mimi is a happy little thing. She's learning to play with multiple objects at the same time. Here we have a cup with yogurt in it for a snack, doubling as a chew toy, and a bowl and spoon--clean ones, amazingly enough.

Miriam 1/22/11:
We are going to be putting in a new fireplace...the old one was just too much wood in an already 'woody' room. And it was literally too much wood--against code for a wood burning fireplace, so Brad got out the crowbar and took it off. We'll put in a gas insert and stone around it. He spent a lot of time the day before going through our file cabinet and built up a nice stack of papers to be destroyed and figured it would be fun to burn them. I have to say I'm glad we aren't keeping it wood burning, because the smell was not pleasant. Give me odorless heat any day.
Mimi thinks it looks pretty fun, too!
Miriam 1/23/11:
See that little bottom--it has underwear on it. We took Mac to church today without a diaper, and she did great! Only visited the bathroom once during her two hour nursery stint, and no accidents! Yay for Mac! If only we could get her to do everything in the potty, if you understand my meaning.
Leiden is trying to teach Mac some of the ballet positions. She loves her dance class, and Mac is excited that she will be able to do a dance class soon. That was one of the things we kept talking about as potty training incentive.
Brad had the camera at this point, and he likes to encourage behaviors that I discourage. Great.

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