Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Rest of Sunday

Mac has been insisting on wearing underwear to bed for a few nights, now.  Inevitably, she comes into our room at about 1 AM, crying because she, her underwear, and her bed are all wet.  So I stumble around, changing her bedding and then I would usually put a pull up on her so we could both sleep the rest of the night.  After a few nights of this, every night, I told her she had to be dry for a week straight wearing a pull up before we would try underwear again.  She agreed, but not three days later, she wanted to wear underwear to bed again.  I determined I probably should not deny her what I actually also want, so I agreed.  Well, for heaven sakes, she woke up dry in the morning!!  Congratulations, Mac!  We'll try again tonight and see how it goes.

I also tried my hand at making pickles this evening.  They have to sit for 4-6 weeks before we can try them.  It's pretty exciting.

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