Saturday, November 26, 2011

Leaves are Falling All Around

Our Thankful Tree came down yesterday, as Christmas went up (which I have no pictures of), and the leaves were pretty cute.

Here was the rundown.  Brad is thankful for chocolate.  That's it.  Over and over the whole 3 1/2 weeks.  I'm not sure he took this too seriously. 

Leiden was thankful for:  cake, friends, learning at school, healthy foods, art supplies, family, Jesus and Heavenly Father, church, ice cream, and a warm bed.

Mac was thankful for:  stuffed animals, Heavenly Father, pencils, puffballs (?), refrigerator, flowers, snowmen, and mommy.  Mac's were cute because she tried to write so many of them and drew pictures for almost all of them.

We made some assumptions about Mimi and wrote these:  blankie, thumb, hats, and watermelon.  I'm pretty sure she would agree with us if she could.

This was a fun activity over these last weeks, even though I forgot to get the leaves out for the day about a third of the time.

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