Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankful Tree

I wanted to do an activity for the month leading up to Thanksgiving, and I saw this on a blog.  We have a 'thankful tree' we're filling with leaves of thankfulness this month!  Each night after dinner, we'll think of something we're thankful for, and write it on a cardstock leaf to clothespin to branches put in a tall bin filled with beans.  By Thanksgiving, it will be full of colorful leaves and tons of things our family is thankful for.

Mimi can't really contribute at this point, but she thought the branches were pretty cool.  I imagine it will be difficult to keep her from picking all the leaves off!

I'm hoping this will be a way to keep thinking about the things we're thankful for.  We really are so blessed, and sometimes I get caught up in all the things I don't have, yet want.  Our children are healthy, happy, and delightful, our home is beautiful and safe, and Brad and I are trying to teach the gospel in it.

As another aside, our lives will be changing here a little bit.  Brad has been called to be the Elders' Quorum President, and he was sustained this last Sunday.  We'll probably be seeing him a bit less in the next while.  I suppose all the prayers for patience are being answered with almost guaranteed opportunities for me to be patient with him around less!  He's happy to serve, and we know that it will bring us many more blessings than we already have. 

1 comment:

Adria said...

How funny. I just did a Thankful tree tonight for FHE. By the way, Happy Belated Birthday. I'm calling you right now.