Friday, October 12, 2012

Mac's Preschool P/T Conferences

Today was Mac's parent teacher conference for preschool.  She is doing great.  Her teacher says she is doing very well--ahead of the curve in several areas, which we already knew, but it's nice to have a teacher recognize it.  The teacher has assessed that Mac knows all her colors and shapes.  (She has done for a long time.)  She said she also very confidently knew all her upper case letters.  Because Mac was so confident with the upper case, she assessed the lower case, as well, which she said she only did with a few kids.  She knew the vast majority of those, as well, save for five or so.  This is ahead of what she 'should' know at this point.  Her fine motor skills are awesome, and her drawings are more detailed than a lot of kids in her class. 
We are pleased with the Mac, and will continue to work with her at home.  In a couple months her class will begin to write their names with upper and lower case letters, like adults, and they will continue to assess letters and numbers. 
Her teacher said she is a lovely little girl who shows such enthusiasm for school.  She does love it, and seems to thrive there.  Her teacher has noticed her love of social activities, but does not see it as a problem.  Hopefully she will always be as eager to follow the rules as she is now!  We love our little Mac! 

Today we got this in the mail.  We haven't gotten our yard signs, yet, but when you check the website, they are apologetic and explain that there is a backlog of orders!  This is a good thing.  I just hope that I get them in time for the election!

1 comment:

David said...

Love your window clingers. I ordered some Obama stuff but I had to send it all back, they misspelled his name... "Idiot" oh well, they only missed by this [] much!