Saturday, October 13, 2012


This has been a rough couple weeks.  I have been sick for a couple weeks, already, but I'm feeling a bit worse, today.  And unfortunately, Brad leaves this morning for another work trip and he'll be back tomorrow in the middle of the night.  He's actually going to a Vikings game in DC--WITH the Vikings.  He's flying on their team jet and will get some awesome perks there at the game.

Before he left, he helped me get out the Halloween yard decorations.  I love my witch and her cats.

I also got one of these for the yard.  I have to say I'm surprised both at how many Vote Yes signs there are, and also how many Vote No signs there are.  It's a heated topic.  It's actually an interesting topic.  I am all for government getting out of my life.  I don't think 'they' should tell me what to do.  But if they're going to bring it up, and ask me my opinion on a moral matter, my vote will not only be yes, but heck yes.

The biggest problem with Brad leaving this morning was that I had 8 kids here for babysitting tonight.  By myself.  Yeah.  And I feel pretty run down.  So.  They were coming from 5-9PM, and I promised myself that if we could make it to 7 PM, I would then turn on a movie and hope that they would stay interested.  In order to GET to 7, we made spiders!

And we ate 'boo-nanas'.  (The version on Pinterest had them on cute sticks and dipped in white chocolate first, but come on, let's be reasonable.)  The kids LOVED them.

I did eventually make it to 9 PM, and it really was okay.  I don't feel well, and I have to teach Primary tomorrow, but life goes on.  After Brad comes home tomorrow night in the wee hours, he won't have to go anywhere for a few weeks.  All of us girls are excited about that!

1 comment:

Adria said...

4Super fun ideas. I love your witch. Did you make her? Hope you feel better soon.