Friday, February 1, 2013

Field Trip!

Mimi vegged out on the couch this morning with our tablet.  She (understandably) calls it the iPad, and she can maneuver around on it without trouble.  I think she can do it better than I can!  A couple times she came to me, and I had no idea how to do what she was asking!

 Mac's preschool class went on a field trip, today.  She was very excited, and I volunteered to go with her class.  She sat behind me on the bus with a little friend.
Her class went to the Bell Museum, which is a small natural history museum on the campus of the University of Minnesota.  They have a touch and feel room, where there are live animals--lots of bugs, lizards, mainly, and stuffed larger animals.  The guide brought out both a snake and a little box turtle.  Most of the kids wanted to touch them. 
This bear's jaws are easily bigger than Mac's head.  Good thing he was stuffed!
Mac's head in a terrarium--she said it smelled like plants.
Goldy the Gopher came and caused a ruckus with the kids--the guide had a hard time bringing them back after that!
It was so fun to spend time with Mac in a different setting, and without the other girls.  It doesn't happen very often, and I was glad I could go with her class.

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