Thursday, January 21, 2016

Jr. Achievement City!

Today was the most awesome field trip for Leiden's grade.  They headed down to Junior Achievement City, which is on the top level of the Children's Discovery Museum at Gateway.  The kids have been preparing for this for months.  It's a day long activity where the students literally run a city.  Each has a job, that they have had to apply for, and each job has very clearly mapped out descriptions of what will be required of the student.  These jobs are at various businesses in the little city.  Each student gets money in a bank account, debit cards, and checks that they can spend their paychecks with.  I volunteered to go, and was the adult supervisor at the WCF!  They have done an amazing job setting it all up, going so far as to use real logos and decor in each business.  These were my workers.  One was the CEO, one was the CFO, and the third was a support worker.  They actually did all the work, with me just looking on if they needed help or got stuck.

It really is phenomenally put together.

Leiden's position for the day was a Savings Account Officer at Zion's Bank.  She got to sit behind the computer and help people open up accounts.

The day was very fast paced, and fun for the kids to see how much work really goes in to various jobs and positions.

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