Thursday, January 28, 2016

Planning Ahead

Super excited about this chicken stock!  I often get very domestic and feel like doing things like this.  So I scoured Pinterest for a recipe that seemed as wholesome as possible, and got to it this morning.  I plan on making some amazing chicken soup with it, and freezing any that's left over.  My biggest problem these days with cooking is thinking ahead.  Dinner time sneaks up on me, so this is pretty groundbreaking for this time in my life!

Leiden is headed to middle school next fall, which is frightening beyond measure as far as I'm concerned!  Today was an orientation field trip to the school (Union Middle) to check out their elective options.  I was hoping Leiden would want to take orchestra or something, but her first choices were art and ceramics type options.  I guess the point is for her to enjoy her classes, so that's fine.

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