Friday, September 30, 2016

Apples and Pumpkins

I have begun the (actually pretty daunting!) task of addressing the wedding envelopes!  The watercolor ink they chose is beautiful, and it looks really great.  The envelopes are really nice, but they have a fibrous texture, and I'm trying to get used to needed pressure to have there be ink on the upstrokes, but not have the point of the nib catch.  There have been some frustrating moments, and I've already messed up two envelopes!  I think I'm overthinking it.  Onward!

This evening we took the girls to a pumpkin patch/farm...actually the same one I went to with Mimi's fieldtrip last fall.  The girls loved all the pumpkins and sitting on the tractor was a must!

It was a beautiful fall evening.

Then we stopped at the store and got a bazillion apples and a few pears so we could make cider with Jonathan's juicer!  The girls were very excited to help.  We washed the apples, I sliced, then Jonathan helped each girl take a turn carefully feeding the apples into the juicer.

And of course snuck a few slices to eat fresh!

The juicer was amazing, getting EVERYTHING out of those apples except tasteless pulp.

The resulting cider was delicious.  We had probably 7-8 different apple varieties in it, and it was wonderful warm and cold.  A super fun fall night!

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