Saturday, September 3, 2016

Swiss Days

Jonathan and I headed up to Swiss Days this morning, first to have breakfast with my parents, then to go wander the stalls.  Right after breakfast we watched the parade, where a LifeFlight helicopter tried to land o someone's lawn!  It would have been successful, and an impressive navigation of the trees, power lines, and lamp posts, but it was SO windy.  After the second or third veering of the helicopter that almost plowed it into the building on the lot, they decided that wasn't going to work with the wind, and landed elsewhere.  It was still pretty dang awesome!

After the parade, Jonathan's sister and brother in law met us and we wandered around the stalls.  There wasn't really anything that caught my eye, and unfortunately this was the only picture we took!  If you squint and look really hard, you can see the crazy lines of people waiting for scones!

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