Saturday, September 24, 2016

Capitol Reef National Park

We took the opportunity of the weekend to go on a little camping trip with Jonathan's sister and her husband.  We headed to Capitol Reef, which I've never been to.  It was absolutely beautiful.  Cool weather, gorgeous formations and hikes.  We stayed in camp grounds in tents, which were FREEZING at night.  We definitely didn't plan ahead on that score!  We should have brought more clothes to layer, and blankets to be used WITH sleeping bags.  Our campground had orchards on it, where you could go and pick your own apples and pears.  The whole area was settled decades ago at its height as a fruit tree area.  So there are orchards everywhere, in varying states of proliferation.

Jonathan picked these beauties for me.  I think my favorite is the pear, with its blush.

We kind of took it easy...Tara's friends came along, and they have two little kids who couldn't keep up on big hikes, but we still were able to wander around and go on a couple really cool hikes.

This part of the country is incredible.

We went on a hike today that was a narrows hike.  I was expecting narrows like slot canyons, but they weren't THAT narrow.  Still dangerous during rain, though.  Big, tall sides and little paths through them.

In the orchard there were two bucks, just hanging out among the trees, minding their own business.  One was very much older, with fighting scars, and a larger rack.  The younger was smaller and just developing his.  Pretty cool to see them up so close.

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