Monday, January 2, 2017

A Better Home for the Bettas

We headed to the pet store today to get a new aquarium for the bettas!  They really need a tank with a filter, and we feel they will enjoy the extra space.  We got a big 5 gallon tank, a divider to keep them apart, new rocks for the bottom, and some new plants for atmosphere.  Leiden's fish will have a new home!

Jon was happy to be among children and fishes!  Leiden helped rinse the rocks, and put them into the tank.

We filled it with good drinking water, and finally introduced the fish into the tanks!

We are excited to get them going.  Hopefully this will allow them to live longer and be healthier.  Speaking of which, Jon is coming down with what the girls and I have had, which makes for a pretty sad Jon.  I have been feeding him lots of soup and other nourishing dinners!

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