Saturday, June 16, 2018

Keeping Busy

Madison and Joni have been living in my parent's house, the house he and I grew up in.  They have decided to make a move, so my parents are finally going to be selling the property.  It needed a lot of attention in the yard, and they asked us to come and help.  We (Jon and everyone else!) ended up doing a lot more than we had expected.  The beautiful crab apple tree was taken out completely, Christmas lights taken down, and things generally just trimmed up.

Jon spent some time on the roof aiding with the high up stuff.

It's really strange to have that house be in the family no more.  I think in this day and age it's more and more rare for a person to spend their entire childhood in the same house, and then have family still live in it for years afterwards.  I had a good childhood there, and I hope the people who move in will experience wonderful things while there, too.

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