Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Little Miss is taking up all the attention around here!  I have been so blessed to have Jon here.  He saved up tons of time off so he can just be home.

She is getting so expressive and has the funniest faces!

She's doing really well with her bottles, but the LC gave us a recommendation for a different brand.  We are still waiting for them to arrive.  In the meantime, we use these, but they don't work so well.  I am beginning to feel better already with pumping, so I am confident I'll be able to nurse again soon.  Although not as soon as the LC said!  According to her thoughts, I would already be nursing again!  I woke up yesterday morning and realized there's more damage than I thought, so we will keep at pumping for a few more days.  She is so cute with her little fists up by her face while she eats.

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