Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mimi is SO cute.  Zada gets pretty squirmy when there's bright light, so we keep the gauzy curtains closed in the front room, but Mimi came up with this idea, which was the best.  She taped a bunch of papers together and labeled it Zada Light Protector.

This made us just hug and kiss her, but what really killed us was the "" in the bottom corner!

I had visions of doing my own newborn pictures of her, and honestly now that she's here I realize how foolish an idea that was for a sleep deprived harried mom!  We tried our hand with the cute sign I made, and I just couldn't get them to turn out how I had hoped, but it's still a cute picture.

She does these funny double sneezes, where often the first sneeze comes out as just a loud noise, then a normal sneeze.  This picture taken right as one hit cracked me up because it looks like she's smiling.

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