Sunday, June 9, 2019

Continued fun with Miss Zada and her new toy!

She loves to trundle along with someone holding her hands.  The girls are loving being home during the day because they get to see Zada more often!

Mimi, ever the creative one, just disappears downstairs and eventually comes upstairs to show us what she's been working on.  This time it was nails made out of the tacky stuff you use to put stuff up on walls.  She is funny! 

This afternoon we had our very first foray into our kombucha process!

Jon got these cool flip top bottles, and filled them up!

We are super excited to taste the final product!  It has to sit for a couple days or so, and then it's ready!

Such a strong girl standing!

The kids' table at Grandmere's for Sunday dinner.

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