Saturday, June 8, 2019

Little baby feet so awkward and unsure.

The girls treated me to makeup and hair styling this afternoon, which I love.  And then I forgot to take a picture of the makeup!  It was very moody. 

I had promised Mimi a treat, so we found a frozen yogurt bar near Jordan and Alicia's, and she got her treat!  I was even able to find a dairy and soy free chocolate version, which was super exciting.

These blooms are in Jordan and Alicia's yard, and the photo cred goes to Mimi!

We were there for games, and we put Zada down for her first real nap anywhere but home!  We hauled EVERYTHING there, and set her up.  Unfortunately it was a short one, but I call it a success nevertheless.  And it was fun to sit down and play games while she slept.

This little Miss is seriously the best with her dark eyes and hair!

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