Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mac's Birthday!

Today was Mac's 1st birthday! My little baby is one! She has changed so much from the little peanut we brought home from the hospital. Today was supposed to be a big deal, being a first birthday, and all, but things kind of combined against us, and the only thing that was different was that she got a present today! Brad had to be out of town this week, so he wasn't here for the big day, and then yesterday Mac got a stomach bug. That ruled out the cake I had planned for her today. No use putting a sugary-frosting-covered cake in front of her if it's just going to come back up! So, we just gave her a present. Which she didn't like. Here is the byplay:

She takes a peek inside, and her face grows a little concerned.

This is what it was. Very non-scary, but she would. not. go. near. it. Period. She wouldn't even pull it out of the bag. She took one look at it, and crawled to me as fast as she could and scooted behind me. Mommy will save you from the scary Ernie, baby. This was in the package, of course, not to mention the crying that ensued when we took it out and made it giggle and jump.

She liked the singing card Brad got her much better, although she thought it was a book.

A little later in the day she touched it, and then started crying again. We put it away with Leiden's stuffed animals.

I loved this. This was Leiden's contribution to the day. The 'ABBD' was 'Happy Birthday', by the way. What a sweet girl. She worked very hard on it, throwing several tries out before she ran to Mac and said Happy Birthday and tried to show it to her.

For anyone who is interested, I took A TON of pictures today, and if you want to see them, check them out here.
Here are the best of the bunch:


Scrappycook said...

Happy Birthday! I had one kid act the same way toward an Elmo plush thing. Sesame Street can be scary!

David said...

Happy Birthday Mini Mac! We can't wait to see you girls!

Tracey said...

LOL!! Sorry she didn't like the gift, that's too funny. The other day Adrian was playing peekaboo with Alexis and he made this scary face and she just started bawling! Oh kids, they are too funny!