Monday, February 2, 2009

Second and Third (unexpected!) Piece of News!

My Etsy shop now has 100 hearts! I'm totally excited, and I'm trying to ignore the fact that some shops have thousands of hearts. One step at a time! If you don't know what 'Hearts' means, it just means that 100 people have decided to put my shop in their list of Favorites on Etsy. Most of them leave their Etsy log in name, and you can actually go to their list and check out what other cool shops are on it. I have found a lot of things from looking at others' lists. Anyway, 100 is just a fun number to reach!

Secondly, (or I guess thirdly), there has been a stay on the CPSIA legislation for one year. Hooray! This was totally unexpected, but there are not any testing requirements, although you had better be darn sure your items are not exceeding any illegal limits. Of course, the consumer groups are lobbying Obama to fire the woman who got the stay, but if they couldn't whine about something, what would they do with their time? They'd have to find real hobbies! This is so exciting for me, as I have lots of ideas for the rest of the year. I've been waiting to add any new items until this was figured out, but I'll get on that right away! I was pretty much bracing myself for having to close shop!

There are still several other bits of good news to come, so stay tuned!


Kelly said...

Hooray! Congratulations on all the sales by the way - your stuff is adorable.

Em said...

You are such a ROCKSTAR! Seriously. I love looking at the stuff that you make. :)