Tuesday, September 7, 2010

1 Day Before Kindergarten

The rhyme:

Leiden at the KitchenAid--she used to love to crack the eggs in whatever we were making, but now she balks at it because she doesn't like to have to leave the action afterwards to go wash her hands! For some reason she wanted to show her chewing gum while she was smiling.

The brownie base (It's going to be a pencil...) that we set aside to cool all the way:

Aforementioned brownie base after Mac got her little paws in it. She went to time out for that one. Although surprisingly Leiden did not freak out about it.

The decorating after dinner:

POTD 9/7/10: We'll snarf this baby up tomorrow night! I can't believe she starts Kindergarten tomorrow!
Miriam 9/7/10: And this one. This one had a check up today. She is one big baby. She weighs 20 lbs. 9 oz., which is 97th percentile, and she measures 29 inches long, which is 99th percentile. She is the size of an average 12 month old. When you think about it, that means that 50% of 12 month olds are smaller than my not quite 7 month old. Whew. She is still talking up a storm, making all kinds of noises--it's like the dam burst. Which is good. She can also have yogurt, now, which for some reason I'm totally excited about! Go Meems!
She has taken to scooting over to the bin with all her toys in it, and tipping it over. Then all the toys get spread all over the floor. Awesome fun.

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