Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 11

I let a lot of days pass by that should merit some comment here on the blog--often Christmas, Easter, Conference Weekends, etc. come and go without me writing my thoughts down. Then, when I get back to it with pictures, I'm busy captioning and journaling about the kids, mostly, and it often seems like the moment has passed to write something meaningful. Days like today make me want to express my feelings, yet I often shy away from that--my political knowledge is shaky at best, and my opinions stem from my gut, my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and what the Spirit whispers to me.

But, I had a few spare minutes, and seeing that the Spirit and the gospel are never lacking, wanted to articulate my feelings. The terrible events of this day 9 years ago are still fresh in our minds and certainly in the minds of those who lived or lost through it. I did not know anyone who lost their life that day, and I don't personally know anyone who survived it at the scene. But, as with most of us, I did learn things that day. And those events have continued to teach me.

In this modern day of 'political correctness' and 'tolerance', I think we forget that there are some things worth fighting for and worth protecting at any cost, and there are some things worth fighting against. That which is virtuous, that which is lovely, that which is of good report, that which is praiseworthy, and I would add that which is true, these are the things worth fighting for. Our families fall into this category. My children have come into a world of extremes--it is the loveliest place, yet the most repulsive, vile, and degenerate things happen here. Somehow we have to teach them to navigate in a world that is much more dangerous than it once was. There are those who would take everything that is good away from them, and smile doing it--expect rewards for doing it. As a mother, I finally understand what it means to love someone more than myself, and motherhood has created within me quite a few feelings of non-tolerance. My memories of September 11, while only experienced on a television screen, are vivid. Do they haunt me? Do they terrify me when I think about having brought three children into a world where things like this happen, and terrorists exist? Absolutely. But. I have a responsibility to be an example of, to teach, and to show my children the things that are right. I love this country. The United States of America is truly a land of opportunity. We enjoy freedoms and indeed luxuries that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. I am SO GRATEFUL for those who translate their love for this country into a willingness to physically fight for the things that are right, and physically fight against the things that are wrong. Their sacrifices on my behalf and on the behalf of my family are wondrous. I love my Heavenly Father, and thank Him all the time for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation. I love my family. They are dear to me.

These are just a couple of things September 11 makes me think about.


Tracey said...

Beautifully said Mercedes. Thanks so much for sharing your feelings. I couldn't agree more. By the way, your beautiful daughters are lucky to have such a wonderful, intelligent mother to help guide them through this crazy existence.

Emily said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Mercedes! Love you!

Macdonalds said...

I completely agree!