Friday, July 22, 2011


I'm here to tell you that the old adage is true.  You do not, in fact, ever forget how to ride a bike.  For some time, now, Brad has been saying he wants to get me a bike so we can ride around as a family.  While we were in Utah, he found a Burley on Craigslist, so now Mac and Mimi can ride along, too.  Today, Brad got home from work and said we were going to get a bike for me.  So off we went to the bike store and we picked me up nice little hybrid and of course, a helmet.  They actually have you go out and ride the bike around the parking lot of the bike shop, and so you go out there and make yourself look/feel like a fool.  At least I didn't fall down.  Until later tonight.  I actually rode the bike the three or so miles home from the bike shop, and I did, unfortunately, fall.  I got going a bit fast, tried to slow down and panicked.  Stops and starts are the hardest, so down I went.  More embarrassed than anything else, I just got back on and kept going.

Here I am, parking the bike.  Brad was happy to get the sign in the picture. 

I imagine I'll be spending a fair amount of time on this little bike, riding around with the fam.

1 comment:

David said...

Did you see that thing peeking out of the drain in the gutter behind you? Perhaps a small gray or a velociraptor?

Keep your eyes open!