Saturday, July 9, 2011

Splash Parks and Ice Cream Socials

The other day we joined up with Emily and her boys to go to a splash park that's right by their house.  The girls loved it.  It is adjacent to a regular park, so they would get a little wet, then wander over to the park and play and back and forth.  Mimi LOVED the splash park.  She loves getting water in her face, and I didn't have to worry about her hitting her head anywhere there.  It was great.  She was wetter than any of the other girls or their cousins!  It was a perfect day for it, too.  Hot, but overcast, so it seemed to keep a lot of people from coming.  Emily says that on a hot sunny day, there are people everywhere.

Leiden enjoyed just laying there after a bit of wet. 

Tonight we went to my mom's ward's ice cream social.  My parents are so funny.  They had signed up to bring ice cream, but the ice cream had to be homemade.  So we went out in search of a new ice cream maker and got all prepared to make a recipe Brad and I really like: Dark Chocolate Gelato.  Delicious.  The girls were funny all week.  I had told them we were going to an ice cream social, and so all I heard while the girls were playing was, "Would you like some 'social ice cream'?"  Like it was a flavor.  That Leiden is pretty funny.  They each got to try three kinds, so they were happy.

There was a big bouncy house with a slide to a little pool that the girls wanted to go in.  Mac went in the first time, and came out of the bouncy house screaming.  She didn't like the bouncing.  Unfortunately, that's the only way to get to the slide.  So the next time I climbed in there with her and came down the water slide!  After this they were freezing, because it wasn't nearly as warm as it has been, but refused to leave.  Leiden offered to help Mac stay warm while they waited in line.

Mac really was cold, and was practically crying, but when asked repeatedly if she wanted to go back to Grandmere's, she said no.

Some nice older girls in my mom's ward helped Mac get through the bouncing portion of the journey to the slide, and down they came!  THEN they were finally ready to go home and get warm. 

The dark chocolate gelato was delicious, if a little grainy.  The eggs got a bit cooked, but it was gone when we went to get the container.  Success!

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