Saturday, October 19, 2013

Breakfast With the Witches

This morning was Breakfast With the Witches of Gardner Village!  The girls all got dressed up as little witches and we went and had breakfast.

They also did a show, which was surprisingly good.  The theme was a Wizard of Oz type deal.

After it was over, the girls pulled their now familiar stunt of frowning at the camera, and I just continued to stand there and play into it. 

This time they did not spontaneously smile at my own antics, so we had to...ahem...very politely ask them to smile. 

The witches there are GREAT.  They are ALL decked out, with crazy costumes and hats, and makeup and affected accents and mannerisms.  They were a riot. 

Thank you Grandmere and Bapa for a great morning out!

Mac is loving school, and especially her newfound writing and reading skills.  She did this paper, alternating between asking me how to spell things and just taking a stab at it.  She's a sweet little thing. 

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