Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Halloween Preschool Program

So, Mimi had her Halloween program today.  She decided to be a rainbow butterfly.  I got face paint literally yesterday, and it didn't occur to me to practice painting a butterfly on it ahead of time...luckily, it turned out pretty cute.  Or maybe it's the face behind the paint.

She was so cute parading around with her classmates...the girl in front of her with the red ribbon and blue dress was the closest to her in height, and Mimi still had a good 4-5 inches on her. 

So fun to watch her singing the songs with the actions and sitting in her seat like she was supposed to. 

She got snippy afterwards, not wanting to take pictures and when she was forced, she wouldn't smile.  Little bub. 

She finally complied and consented to a picture with Grandmere and Bapa.  What a sweet little girl. 

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