Saturday, March 29, 2014

Okay.  I went to get my hair dyed this morning.  I loved it when I dyed it last year around this time, but wanted to have it done professionally this time, to avoid splotchiness and missed spots.  I was so excited...Here's before:

And a little bit disappointedly, here's after.  You can barely tell it's red!  I was hoping for a deep burgundy kind of color...sigh.  But at least it's not splotchy.  Next time I will go with the store bought stuff, buy two boxes, and employ my mom or a friend to make sure I get all my hair.  It's subtle, which is probably to be commended, but I was hoping for a little more punch.  Live and learn.  And spend money.  :) 

 It's game time!  Mimi's game was during my hair appointment, and Brad had the girls, anyway...but I made it back out in time for Mac's.  She was so cute!

Looking like she knows what she's doing! 

I REALLY like her coach.  He is definitely trying to teach the girls some skills, and how the game is actually played.  He doesn't let them get away with much, but he also somehow (probably very nearly) doesn't get overtly frustrated.  Heaven only knows what is going on in his head, but he's a good coach. 

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