Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Polka Dot Party!

It's polka dot party day for Mac!  We had some trouble scheduling her party in and getting schedules to match up, but the day is finally here!  She wanted to help with her cake, so she assisted with making frosting.

I frosted, 

then she helped put all the little spree balls on the cake.  Polka dots!

It looked really cute when it was done.  And there is a surprise in the middle.  :) 

The walls and my shirt complied with the party's theme as well. 

Treat bags were filled with all kinds of things spherical and round.  Bubbles, dot candy, gumballs, and bouncy balls. 

Mac wanted to play bingo, so our markers were polka dot poms. 

And this was hilarious.  We played Twister, which didn't go SO well...the kids had fun, but they're a little young to really get the spirit of it.  Although this picture suggests otherwise! 

Then we had presents... 

And cake!  With polka dot candles! 

This little girl is SO CUTE! 

She made her wish, blew out her candles, then ate it up! 

The surprise was polka dots INSIDE the cake!  I didn't arrange the layers right so there were dots everywhere, but the effect was still pretty cool.  I love cutting into an unsuspecting plain looking cake, and finding that all is not what it seems! 

Mimi and Coleman were pretty crazy... 

Mom and Mac. 

Truthfully, the whole group was pretty crazy... 

And got crazier! 

Leiden was present, just in only one or two of the pictures above.  Her shirt also complied. 

Mac's party was a success.  We hung out in the front yard waiting for parents, and she zipped around on her scooter. 

Whew!  The birthday celebrations are over for another year!  It's always crazy, but I enjoy providing them with a fun party that they can remember and enjoy.  For the last time in 2014, Happy Birthday, Mac!

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