Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Family Birthday!

We celebrated Mimi's birthday tonight up at Grandmere's house.  There was dinner, that Mimi chose...sloppy joes!  Then came presents.  The much awaited presents!

All three girls had special birthday requests this year.  Did Grandmere get them for them???

Trying to teach manners and courtesy is rarely as difficult as when trying to get a child to look at a thoughtful card before they rip open the gift it goes with!

Mimi is looking pretty excited!

Yes!  One of the requests has been granted!  More Shopkins!  (Sigh.  They are just more tiny toys.  The things we do because we love our children.)

And the big request was ALSO granted!  Fin Fun Mermaid Tail for MIMI!

They are SO cute, and Mimi is so excited to wear it in the pool.  I think she thinks it will grant her swimming abilities.  She will need to be watched closely!

Chocolate cake came next!

Thank heavens she didn't care if it was purchased or homemade!

Uncle Mad helped with the lighting ceremony.

Another year, another wish.

There was even a little something for Leiden.

Mimi was very happy with the evening!

I am doing a lot better.  My head and heart are aligned much more closely these days, and I am beginning to see that what I had envisioned for my life with Derek may not have been the best thing for me.  I'm not so sad anymore, which is obviously a huge step, made easier by some conversations in the last while that didn't go well between us.  I have put myself out there, and am dating!  Which is crazy in itself.  But a needed step to figure out what the NEXT steps are going to be.  I have a lot of hope, regardless of what my experiences have been, and know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me.

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