Thursday, February 12, 2015

The POlice and Valentine's Boxes

Super weird story...I got a call today, from a woman stating she was a detective with the Sandy Police Department, asking questions about a checkbook I had lost ages ago and reported to the bank.  Seriously this happened like a year ago.  The woman was asking me if I knew a lady of a certain name who they apprehended under suspicious circumstances.  She apparently had my checkbook in her possession.  I said I didn't, but she wanted to come to my house and show me some pictures to see if I recognized anyone.  Hmm.  This sounded super weird to me.  I waited a few minutes, then called the Sandy Precinct and asked to be connected with the Detective...mainly to see if she really was a detective.  She was, but I told her I would be more comfortable coming down to the precinct to see her stuff.  She agreed, and after looking at the pictures she had to show me, and verifying I did not know the woman in question, I took this ridiculous selfie in front of the building.  I tried to get the POLICE sign, but failed.  On second thought, I felt silly about a selfie in front of the precinct, so this was as good as it got.  A super strange day!

The girls have their Valentine parties tomorrow at school, and both were asked to make their own boxes.  They got right to work decorating and gussying up their boxes.  Mac was all about the tissue paper. 

Leiden preferred a colorful drawn approach. 

They are excited about their parties tomorrow. 

Mimi will use a sack she decorated at school.
These are the cute valentines they will be handing out.  

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