Thursday, February 19, 2015

Some More Birthday!

I am feeling MUCH better today, and we did Mac's Birthday breakfast this morning.  Somehow I didn't get any pictures...I'm not sure how that happened, but here we are.  I found myself with some kid-free time this afternoon, so I headed to the range for some needed practice!

Today was a pretty good day.  I know so little of technique...I mainly just fiddle around and try to hit the spot I'm aiming for.  I should probably try and get some pointers or some tutelage from someone who knows what they're doing, but I threw down 100 rounds, and did pretty well! 

I definitely swing to my left.  I'm sure there's a reason, and a way to correct it, just not sure what it is! 

We headed up to Grandmere's house this evening for belated birthday festivities.  Leiden and I relaxed on the couch for a bit before dinner.  Silly girl.  She's having some trouble this last week or two with both of her sisters having birthdays.  I know it must seem that everyone but her is getting presents and having celebrations.  It seems worse this year than in years past, but hopefully when her birthday rolls around and she's the ONLY one getting stuff she will remember to not be so sad next February! 

After a dinner of hot dogs, Mac's choice, it was present time!  She's very excited. 

Leiden poked in...even all the picture taking seems to be getting to her. 

Mac got some coveted Shopkins from Grandmere and Bapa, as well as some books to read! 

And of course the Fin Fun Mermaid tail and swimsuit! 

These are so funny. 

Mac wanted a Peeps cake, so we obliged. 

Grandmere was tricky and put on candles that WOULD NOT blow out! 

You'd think you had them out, then they would light right back up! 

We had a great time, and appreciate Grandmere and Bapa celebrating with us.  It's nice to have them close enough to hang out with them for this fun stuff!

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