Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

It's Thanksgiving!  This morning was pie making early at Jonathan's house.  We made what looks like a DELICIOUS lemon meringue, and a pumpkin I took a pic of later.

I also made my favorite cranberry salsa on cream cheese to take to Jonathan's brother's place for games.  I seriously love this stuff.  I wish cranberries were sold in stores more often than just at the holidays.

His brother has a tarantula for a pet, and it was lively today so they got it out of his cage and we all held it.  Strange little thing.

They have tiny pincers on the ends of their legs that grip your skin as they walk.  It's uncomfortable but it doesn't hurt.

The spider really liked me, it kept crawling up my arm and it tickled.

I really was just super concerned that it would crawl up into my hair!

But he was super cute, if grossly large!

Later this evening we headed up to Grandmere's house for Thanksgiving dinner.  She had laid out her table with my calligraphed name tags.  They looked really good with her other décor.

I wanted pictures of the whole family at the table, so I spent a considerable amount of time figuring out placement of my tripod, then discovering that neither of my lenses would get the whole table.  Luckily Uncle Mark has a wider angle lens and it worked great.

Thanks to my remote shutter, we were able to get a semi decent set of pics, although neither actually has everyone shown AND looking at the camera!  Where's Uncle Mark?  And we can only see the top of Uncle John's head!

Now not posed, but I'm not in it!  I guess you win some and lose some.

The evening was lovely, and we finished out the celebration with delicious pie!  Pumpkin isn't my favorite, but the lemon was SOOO good.

Later in the evening I was able to talk to the girls on Facebook from Costa Rica, which was nice.  I guess all of them were very tired, and poor sweet Mimi burst into tears as soon as she saw me on the phone screen.  I felt awful I couldn't give her a hug, and I hope they will have an enjoyable time.

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