Wednesday, November 30, 2016

25 Days of Christ

Jonathan's work, BioFire, is having a Christmas gala in a few days, and I FINALLY found the fabric I've been looking for for a couple weeks.  A gorgeous red taffeta with black cross threads.  I am SO excited to make my skirt, and I found the PERFECT top to go with it!  Not only am I making my skirt for the evening, but also a matching bowtie for Jonathan!  It's going to be such a fun evening.

Snowbell came onto the scene this year a day early.  She brought to the girls a kit to make ornaments for a special 25 days of Christ advent.  There are ornaments that go with each day that represent something about the life of Christ.  Each day has a quote from a prophet or apostle, and a video or picture to go along with the symbol or idea.  It starts on December 1.

She brought these a day early because some assembly is required!

Most of the ornaments are wood, which needed to be painted. 

The girls worked hard this afternoon getting the ornaments ready to begin using them tomorrow. 

They are honestly thrilled whenever the paint comes out! 

Today we also wrestled the tree out of its box in the garage, only to find that it is one, tilting, and two, half the lights are not working.  I simply didn't have the energy to do anything about it today, so it stayed up, tilted, and undecorated beyond that!

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