Thursday, December 1, 2016

Christmas Decorating

We finally got the tree lights issues worked out, and hooray!  Didn't have to replace all the lights on the tree!  I am so glad.  It will need to be done at some point, but I'm just not interested this year.  So today we were able to begin decorating!  The girls got into the boxes of ornaments, and went to it!

I have wanted to start a new tradition for a couple years, and have just never gotten my act together, until this year!  In addition to the daily 25 Days of Christ advent ornaments, we are going to open a new Christmas picture book every night this month until Christmas.  It will be special reading time with the girls, and something fun to look forward to each evening.  Of course, getting my act together only included getting all the books with no time to spare yesterday, but I had not yet gotten to wrapping them until this afternoon.  Miraculously, I was able to finish wrapping all 22 or so before the girls came home from school!

Each wrapped book is labeled with a girl's name, so there is no quibbling about whose day it is to open.  The person who opens also gets to sit on Mom's lap while we read if she so chooses.  These are the rules we must make in our house!  Leiden opened the season for us tonight, unwrapping the first book and we were able to read together.  Some of the books are not going to be hits, but I don't know MOST of them, so we will learn together.  I am excited and I think the girls are too!

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