Sunday, December 11, 2016

Gingerbread Houses

I learned several years ago that to have success with the store bought gingerbread house kits, one must not use the royal icing to 'glue' the houses together, one must buy extra candy, and one must make extra royal icing for the decorations.

Instead of using the icing for glue, I use glue for glue!  Hot glue works like a charm and is ready in literally a minute.  No more having to think ahead!  I just buy candies in the weeks leading up to Christmas time, and then whip up some royal icing in the kitchen aid.

Each girl gets her own tiny house, and can decorate it as she wishes. 

There is much care taken to decorate each house precisely! 

With the extra royal icing, the girls are able to use it for much more than just adhering the candies, but also for snow, and yard effects! 

Plastic baggies are a little less than satisfactory, so next year I'll make sure I have some piping bags on hand. 

We love this tradition as well. 

Each girl presented her house in front of the tree for documentation. 

It's too bad we can't eat the candy later!

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