Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!!!

It's Christmas morning!!  The girls spent the night with Brad, so I headed out in a literal blizzard to go get them.  I knew it was going to snow, so I left really early, but I was worried about getting up the hill to my parents house.  I made it up to Farmington fine, if very slowly, and as it turned out, I DID have to worry about getting up the hill.  :(  We got stuck on one of the roads just below the capitol building, and had to call my dad to leave church and come rescue us!  We were supposed to go to sacrament meeting with Grandmere and Bapa, but it did not work out!

The poor girls!  They had to wait until church was over, then I went and got Jon while my mom began making breakfast.  Meanwhile, my dad and Madison went down the hill in Mad's big truck and towed my car out of its stuck spot!

Finally after breakfast, we were able to get to the gifts!  There were SO MANY presents.  I had come over last night to help Grandmere and Bapa put the presents out and arrange, and I was honestly stunned.

The girls were pretty excited, too!

We managed one picture of Thomas, 

and then he was off!!  Not to be contained on such a morning as this!

Merry Christmas from the Macdonald girls!

There were many gifts to open for each girl.  We had randomly assigned boxes of aquarium stuff to each girl, as well as the gifts from me, Santa, Mad and Joni, and Grandmere and Bapa. 

It was a lovely morning spent with all the people I love!  Warm in the house with the beautiful snowy white Christmas. 

Later in the afternoon the girls went back with Brad and Jonathan and I headed over to his sister's house where we celebrated Christmas with his family.  His parents are in town, and we had a lovely evening.  Jonathan gave me a tablet, which will replace my dinosaur laptop. 

The girls will be with Brad for a few more days, so we are going to enjoy lots of time with Jon's family and parents while they are here.

Merry Christmas!

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