Sunday, November 20, 2016

Primary Program!

This was the only picture snapped today, which I regret, but I was busy and nervous, so that's how it goes!  The program went great, with each of the three girls doing a wonderful job on their speaking parts, and no mishaps on my end as chorister!  I was so proud of them.  Jonathan, Grandmere, and Bapa all came to support the girls and the spirit was felt.

The girls' talks went as follows:
We are blessed to live here on Earth.  We came here to get a body, to learn, and to grow.  We know we lived with Heavenly Father before we came here, and we want to live with him again because we love Him.  The best way I can do that is to learn about Jesus, obey the commandments, and learn about the plan Heavenly Father has for me.  I can learn about the plan he has for me by praying and listening to the Holy Ghost.  I can pray to know what is true.  When I have a choice to make, I can pray to make the right one.  When we pray, Heavenly Father will answer us.  If I listen to what the Spirit tells me, I can move closer to my Heavenly Father every day.   I know Heavenly Father will help me know the things I should do if I pray, listen carefully, and obey.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

I know that if I follow the Prophet and his words, I will be safe and protected.  Every day we have to make a lot of choices.  Some are easy and some are hard.  We are blessed to have our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, who teaches us important things that Heavenly Father wants us to know.  When we listen and obey the teachings of the prophet, we can be safe and protected from sin, making bad choices, and some bad things happening to us.  The Prophet has taught us rules that Heavenly Father wants us to follow.  Sometimes it’s hard to follow them.  Sometimes I’m the only one following them.  But when I follow the Prophet and his words, I am able to keep the Holy Ghost with me all the time.  The Holy Ghost can warn me of danger, give me strength to make good choices, help me when I am sad, and help me feel warm and happy when I make good choices.  I know that if I follow the Prophet, I can be safe and protected.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

and Leiden...
From the very beginning, Heavenly Father’s plan for us included our Savior Jesus Christ coming to earth, providing a perfect example, atoning for our sins, dying for us on the cross, and rising in his glorious resurrected body.  Prophets have known about and looked forward to the time when the Savior would come since the world began, beginning with Adam, who was taught by the Lord himself that the Only Begotten Son of the Father would be born on the earth and sacrifice for each of us.  Mankind has been taught to repent and prepare for the Lord’s coming, both his birth, and his Second Coming from every single prophet of the Lord.  Adam, Enoch, Moses, Isaiah, Nephi, Jacob, Abinadi, Alma…all have taught of the joy of a baby born of Mary, come to save the world.  This perfectly simple story that gives such meaning to our lives, and which we will soon celebrate at Christmas.  Jesus Christ was born a baby, grew to do his Father’s work, and gave himself as a sacrifice that we might change and be better every day.  I am so grateful Jesus Christ came to this earth and gave that great gift to me and to each of us.  In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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