Tuesday, October 17, 2017

4th Grade Field Trip to the Natural History Museum

Another field trip...this one with Mac's class!

We headed up to the Natural History Museum and checked out all the cool stuff there.  Here's Mac by a giant triceratops (or similar) skull.

A museum with a bunch of kids is actually really hard.  A couple want to move slowly, looking at every little thing.  A couple more want to blow by everything on the quest for...I don't honestly know.  And a couple others are in the middle, content to do whatever.  And the final couple are always complaining about how fast or slow we are going.  It's kind of exhausting.  And this one was also about 45 minutes too long!!  While there is a ton of stuff to see here, it goes by very quickly when they don't want to take their time.

The dinosaur bones are my favorite.  This wall shows 12 different kinds of 'triceratops'.  Like people, the expression of similar characteristics means lots of different looks to them.  These were fascinating.  As a kid, you just know about Triceratops, and you think that's all there is that looks like that.

They are having a Vikings exhibit, and when we went in, the man pretending to be a Viking, complete in costume and weaponry, called Mac out of the group to exemplify a shield maiden!  It was hilarious, and a perfect end to our trip!  She got to hold the shield and the sword, and he had her mimic the yells they would give.

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