Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Late Weekly Goals and Miscellaneous News

Sorry, it's been longer than usual. Things have been a bit busier than usual! I have a couple things up my sleeve that are taking a bit longer to get going than I would have liked. Then, we're leaving for SLC on Friday, so there's all that to take care of, and trying to keep Leiden out of time out for 5 minutes straight, take pictures and video to put up here, finish a sewing project for a friend, and trying to reestablish my food storage. On top of all that, there's a trip in 2 and a half weeks to the Wisconsin Dells, at which point people will see me in a swimming suit. You would think this would make me amp up the exercise, but we're still putting it off as much as possible!
We'll get the ugly stuff over with:

Late Weekly Goals
1. I don't know why it is so difficult for me to remember to read my scriptures. I bow my head in shame.
2. I ran 5 times again, this week. Although it is not the 6 I was shooting for, it's still the high end of what doctors recommend. I take heart in that.
3. I got the dress pattern pieces cut out! They are going to be beautiful dresses, and I'm so excited to put them together. There are some trim pieces I need to work on before I start the sewing, so sewing will begin shortly.
4. Quiet Book. Hmmm. I'm having problems with the lamination that needs to be done. I need to contact the lady I got them from.
5. Treats are also difficult. Some days I'm so full of determination, and other days, I honestly don't care.

So, New Weekly Goals (Until Sunday, at which point I will be back on track for Sunday to Sunday)
1. Read my scriptures daily. Night or day, whenever. We'll worry about the rest later.
2. By Sunday, run 4 times.
3. Get the trim pieces cut out and sewn for the dresses.
4. I'm going to get going on my secret project.
5. Whenever I crave a treat, drink a glass of water first.

These are a little more reachable, and we must, after all, have reachable goals!

Now onto the cute stuff--there's a lot more to this post! Pictures and videos!

Mac was watching a show. She wouldn't respond to her name, loud noises, or anything else. You can see why they recommend no TV for little ones!

A little blurry, but a cute picture nonetheless.

Love those fingers.

Love those toes even more! Leiden never did this, so I think it's really funny!

I sat Mac down on Leiden's bed to play with her the other day, and she immediately flopped back into big bunny. What the pictures don't show is her thrashing around trying to eat big bunny before I gave her the chewy fish.

Yesterday Mac was laying on the floor playing, looking at her book,

and all of a sudden, she pushed up onto her knees! She has done it several times, but I caught it on tape this time! After she is up, she rocks back and forward and then eventually flops onto her tummy.

I don't like to dress Mac until she's eaten breakfast, and her jammies got milk on them, so I set her down to play and put the blanket around her. When I turned around again, Leiden had put it around her head and this is what I found.

The other night a cat wandered up to our deck while we were eating dinner. Leiden thought that was pretty fun, but every time the cat came near her she darted. (It's our next door neighbor's cat, so it's safe.)

Mac being cute while eating. She clenches and unclenches her hands all day.


Scrappycook said...

I LOVE the photos of her with the blanket over her head - adorable!

David said...

cutest kids in the world