Sunday, October 26, 2008


So, Brad has had a cold for a couple weeks, now, with a bad cough and chills and fever and rash and the whole nine yards. He got it right as the girls and I left for SLC, so we weren't around for the worst of it, but he was still sick when we got back, and is still sick today. He finally decided he would go to the doctor and see what they said. He was fully expecting them to tell him to just wait it out. Oh, no. He has pneumonia. I guess it's fairly uncommon to see it in healthy young adults, but there it is. He has to sleep in a room by himself, and is to have limited contact with the girls. If he has shortness of breath, he is to go straight to the emergency room. Well.

Hopefully his strain is bacterial, and will respond to the antibiotics that were prescribed to him. If it's viral, we'll just have to wait it out, and hope he doesn't have to be hospitalized or develop anything else like pleurisy or secondary infections. As Brad is prone to do, he did some research on the internet, and it's pretty serious. People die from it, so keep him in your prayers. The doctor said this was early stages, so if it's bacterial maybe he can head it off at the pass, but we won't know for about 5 more days when we see if the antibiotics help or not. Crazy stuff. Brad's pretty excited that he has a disease that rates among the top ten causes of death in the United States. (It's #6.) Trust Brad to see the silver lining. He'll be staying nice, warm, and cozy these next 3-4 weeks.


Scrappycook said...

Yikes! Get well soon Brad! 3-4 weeks?! You are going to need to make an emergency run to the library for supplies!

Tracey said...

Wow! I'm SO sorry!! I hope he gets well VERY soon!!