Friday, October 31, 2008

Etsy Shop

It's finally time for the unveiling. This is probably far more exciting for me than for many of you, but that's okay. I have decided, after much deliberation and much money spent (Brad will tell you all about that!), to open a shop on Etsy. If you are interested, check out the link on the right. I'm going to try not to be entirely shameless in my advertising, but I'll go ahead and ask you to tell your friends if you see something they would like. Also, the shop is new as of today, so there are only a few things in it. Look for some new things hopefully very soon. Thanks, everybody!


Minnesota Preators said...

Wow...impressive, your items are just gorgeous! Best of luck!

Scrappycook said...

I love Etsy! It's another place I can get lost for several hours just browsing! Good luck!

Katey said...

That's so exciting! I'm really impressed by your craftiness. I hope you have lots of success with it. If I had little girls to dress all cute, I'd buy your stuff! ;)