Monday, September 5, 2011

1 Day Before First Grade --OR-- Happy Labor Day!

Happy Labor Day, and Goodby Summer!  I have mixed feelings about summer being over.  On the one hand, I really don't like the heat and humidity, and fall is my FAVORITE.  On the other hand, that means winter is next and it's just endless.  At any rate, here's Leiden's last card.

We decided to do it later in the evening for FHE, and during the day we kept busy!  Our ward has a Labor Day party at a lake and I was actually not looking forward to it--because it's on a lake.  I was certain I'd have to watch Mimi like a hawk the entire time, and that Brad and I would constantly be chasing her and dealing with a screaming child when we wouldn't let her in the water.  For once, I was so pleasantly surprised!  Maybe because it was just this side of too chilly, but she didn't seem interested in the water.  Hooray.  She actually just stuck pretty close to Brad or I.  I joked with some friends that she was probably thinking, "Wait a minute.  I know these people.  These people are from church.  I DO NOT want to go to nursery.  I'm not letting Mommy/Daddy from my sight.  Do not make me go to that place!"  (She is having a really hard time in nursery.)  But it worked in our favor!

Here are the girls enjoying some chicken legs.  Leiden literally ate hers clean.  I'm not sure how she got down all the gristly bits on a drumstick, but she had only a bone left at the end.  Mimi sat like a big girl on the bench between Brad and I and ate her lunch.  Really, it was so refreshing. 

We left after playing for a while, and after Mimi's nap, we took off to buy some plants for our almost-finished back patio.  Mimi was SO GOOD.  We went out to dinner, to TGI Friday's (Leiden's choice), and then promised the girls sundaes after Family Home Evening.  We obviously didn't take any pictures of the blessings, but it was wonderful.  The Spirit was there, and Mimi was even quiet during the prayers!  Mac also got a blessing, as she will be starting preschool next week.  Then, the cutest thing:  after Leiden's and Mac's blessings, she trotted over to the chair where they had sat, climbed up, and sat still.  We determined she wanted a blessing, as well.  It was so sweet.  Parents can relate to that feeling of your heart swelling and feeling literally like it might burst from love and gratitude for these little people. 
And the cherry on top?  After Mimi's blessing, this is the conversation between Leiden and I:
 L:  "Mommy, during my blessing, I felt warm.  Do you know where?"
M:  "Where, sweetie?"
L:  "In my heart!"
M:  "Do you know why you felt that way?"
L:  "Because I was being still and reverent."  (We've been trying to hit reverence hard, lately.)
M:  "And what happens when we're still and reverent?"
L:  "We feel the Spirit!"
It was another moment that your heart just bursts.

And then it sets you up just right to be amused rather than annoyed and upset that Mimi has chosen to put her ice-cream bowl on her head and yell, "At!" (Hat)  Mimi had a bath tonight.  :)

Little Leiden will ride away on the bus tomorrow, and it's equal parts exhilarating and terrifying.  Brad mentioned in her blessing that the Father would bless her with strength as she begins to face difficult decisions and situations in her life.  This is the terrifying part.  You want to protect them and shield them and keep them apart from all the bad things in the world.  But their light shines so bright and you pray that they will have the strength they need, and with faith and continued teaching, it becomes not only a hope, but a reality.  Parents send their kids off to school each year, and many don't seem to get this reflective, but I am, and I am confident this school year will bring about great ways for our little family to grow in strength and testimony.


Adria said...

How nice. I love the poem and that's so sweet that Mimi knew those blessings were special and wanted one, too. We also did blessings last night since Rob was out of town during the first week of school. Thank goodness for Priesthood holders.

David said...

Your girls are a wonder. They make me laugh and they make me cry.