Thursday, September 8, 2011

We Made the Cut

We finally decided to cut Mac's hair.  It was sooo long.  She is not the most cleanly eater, and so it always had stickiness in it, and she would whine and cry every time I had to brush it out for the day.  Brad took her outside and put her in front of the air conditioner fan for some 'farewell to long hair' pictures.  Wow.  Check these out.

At its longest, in the middle back, it was down to her waist. 

Combing it out at the salon: 

The cut! 

Our new Mac! 

It's super cute, but it's going to take a bit of time to get used to.  I'm so used to her long blond hair!  She loves it, and did a great job at the salon getting it cut.  Here's to Mac's new look!

1 comment:

Ada Angharad said...

Se looks cute, lika a profesional model!