Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fall Family Festival

Leiden's helmet met its demise the other day--luckily without Leiden's head in it--(I ran it over with the car.  Ahem.) and Mimi loves the new 'hat'.  She brought it with her on errands this morning.

And then kept taking it off, throwing it on the floor, and then looking like maybe she regretted throwing it.

Tonight Leiden's school had its annual Fall Family Festival, where we each had to put on name tags.  Brad put Mimi's on her.

I think the girls like to go just for the face painting.  Mac wrote her own name tag.  I am torn between thinking that little backwards 'c' is the cutest thing I've ever seen, and wanting to drill the correct way into her head right now.

Both Leiden and Mac got rainbows.

There were 4 or 5 different bouncy houses, so the kids had a great time. 

So great, that this was the scene as it was time to go home.  Both the other two were crying and throwing fits, too.  But when everyone calmed down, they agreed that it had been a great evening.

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