Saturday, August 24, 2013

2 Days Before Kindergarten

One of my favorite days before school!

It's haircut time!  Both Mac and Mimi got to participate, today.  Leiden doesn't want her hair cut so she can grow it out LONG.  We shall see.  Here is Mac's before:

And a cute little side view of the a-line bob.   Looking at it now, I should have had her stack it up even a little more in the back...but that's the beauty of hair!  It grows and then you can cut it again!

She refused to give me a normal cute smile, so this was the best we could get.

Mimi has got some hair these days.  It's long and everywhere, and her before shows that!

She was VERY good at sitting still and letting the hair lady do her thing.

Similar to Mac's profile, but again, I wish it were more stacked in the back.

She looks super cute!

We went to the girls' favorite restaurant for lunch with Grandmere and Bapa.

Bapa loves to act like one of the kids.

Mac wanted to see herself and we took the opportunity to take a silly picture.

Then the unthinkable happened...Mimi was in the bathroom putting on her makeup, one of her loved activities.  It was quiet, but I expected that...then all of a sudden she walked in to the kitchen, and half her hair was gone!  I think she knew she shouldn't have done it, but I did a remarkable job at keeping my cool.  I just didn't say anything for a minute, then asked her to come closer so I could see her hair...she immediately started crying...I held her while trying to assess the damage.  She must have grabbed a big chunk of hair in the front and just snipped away.  Can you see the chunk in front of her ear?  That's the LONGEST it is now.  The front is bang length, but it's pretty extensive.  Oh, dear.  I'm so sad.  She must have seen the lady cutting her hair and thought it was a good idea for her to try herself.  They were leaving with Brad in just a short while, so there was no fixing it today.

There was a sudden downpour right before Brad was coming, and they all went out to play in it.  In their coats and jackets.  So weird.  

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