Monday, August 19, 2013

First Day of Third Grade --OR --7 Days Before Kindergarten!

Look at this face!  She is very excited to get back to school.  She has always loved it, and it is the last big change in a few months worth of change!

We all walked to the school with her...they are within walking distance, and it's a straight shot to the back grounds of the school. 

We quickly found her class, and she stood with some girls.  I had to coax her just a bit to remember to introduce herself and ask others their names, but I think she's going to do just fine!  Have a great day, Leiden! 

Meanwhile, at home, Mac still has a week before Kindergarten starts... 

We took off with a picnic to the school playground...I forgot a blanket and wipes, but otherwise it worked out pretty well.  I like giving them a chance to become familiar with the playground before they are there for school. 

Mimi also enjoyed it...wore her helmet the entire time, which considering, may have been a good choice on her part!  :) 

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