Sunday, August 4, 2013

Old Cow Vandelay

 Mimi recently had a bad dream...evidently there was a cow in it, in the backyard, and it was a scary cow that the girls had to hide from, and I guess it climbed a tree..?  Well, his name was Old Cow Vandelay.  She came up with this entirely on her own.  The girls thought it was so funny.  So today, while up in Heber, Uncle Mike told the girls about the two young cows in the back pasture of a neighbor's farm that abuts his yard.  The girls wandered down with Bapa...I was worried Mimi would somehow be reminded of this bad dream, that triggered quite a few sleepless nights, but she seemed fine.  Of course Mac skipped down the path talking about Old Cow Vandelay, which made me even more worried.  BUT...she seemed fine.  These cows must not have looked like him.  :)  

Then we went off in search of some horses to feed apples to...we found these two beauties.  Mac and Mimi couldn't quite get the guts to let the giant horse teeth near their hands...they kept dropping the apples.  I don't blame them!

Tired of not getting an apple from Mimi, this one decided to go for her hair.  

Driving home, I tried to take a picture of the sunset, which was all pink and purple, and something photobombed it!  I don't even know what that big thing is!  And my sunset pictures never do justice to the colors.

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